
Volunteers are the very core of our organization and we simply couldn’t offer the experience of sailing aboard Pegasus without them. 

Our volunteers are well trained, competent sailors who are passionate about working with youth on the water.

Some of our volunteers have been with us continuously for nearly 30 years, and find sailing with kids on Pegasus to be extremely rewarding, time and time again. Pegasus volunteers are highly committed to carrying out our mission in a safe, inclusive environment.

We have diverse volunteers from all walks of life, from young professionals to retired salts and we welcome sailors who wish to volunteer without regard to age, race, gender, sexual orientation or political affiliation. 

Our base requirements for volunteers are that they have sailing experience, time to volunteer and the desire to make a positive impact. 

There’s nothing else that gives me as much peace and pleasure as being aboard a well trimmed boat, even on the windiest summer San Francisco afternoon. The joy of sharing that with my experienced crew and with youth who join us, most of whom have never been out on the Bay, is the reason I’ve continued to volunteer for the last 30 years.

— Paul Marbury, Pegasus Captain and 30 year volunteer

If you are interested in volunteering with us, please fill out the form below and one of our Captains will reach out to you after reviewing your application. 

Our crew training manual can be found by clicking here.

Pegasus Voyages Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Pegasus Voyages. We will get back to you shortly.


Examples: Natural history docent, community outreach volunteer, teacher

Pegasus Crew Application

Our crew members come aboard from remarkably diverse sailing backgrounds. Whether you’re an enthusiastic recent sailing school graduate, a thrill seeking racer, a chilled cruiser or a crusty salty dog, we know you’ll love the experience of sailing on a 51-foot Alden ketch transforming kids from landlubbers to sea lubbers in a single voyage.

Qualifications and certifications
Sailing school name
Racing experience
Vessel Type
Cruising experience
Vessel Type

Emergency Contact Information


The Pegasus Pledge

The mission of the Pegasus Project is:
  • to teach the public about marine environments,
  • to impart a love of the ocean and joy of sailing to Bay Area youth
  • to maintain a safe, clean, environmentally responsible, and technically excellent boat that will serve as a role model
  • to provide a team-oriented environment in which participants feel respected
  • to improve the project’s effectiveness at every opportunity
I promise to:
  • Commit myself to pursuing the mission of the Pegasus Project
  • Serve, respect, invite, accept, and keep safe all participants and volunteers without discrimination based on race, age, creed, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, and physical ability
  • Study the Pegasus Crew Training Manual along with any supplementary materials, all of which are critical to the safe operation of Pegasus, and at all times, to follow the direction of the designated Captain
  • Contribute at least as much time to sailing with youth and to developing the Pegasus Project as I spend sailing in training and recreational activities on Pegasus. (Such development could include participation in maintenance activities, or off-boat activities such as curriculum development, fundraising, inventory, special events, outreach, coordination, administration, etc.)
  • Promote participation in the Pegasus Project by other potential volunteers and supporters
Violations of the Pegasus Pledge are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of participation in the Pegasus Project.

Sign below if you understand your obligations under the pledge and promise to adhere to it at all times:

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Pegasus Voyages is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization, which means your donations are 100 percent tax deductible.  Donors like you make possible all that we do!

Tap here for donation options.


Slip K128 – K Dock

Berkeley Marina, 125 University Ave., Berkeley CA, 94710

For directions, tap here.