Crew Training Manual
The safety of Pegasus passengers and crew is at the core of everything we do. All crew are trained and assessed before sailing with passengers.
For more information, please contact Robert Kingston, coordinator, Pegasus Project, at or cell phone: 415-500-5468.
Crew Levels
Welcome to the Pegasus crew qualification process. You can aspire to one of three crew levels. By identifying the skill level of crewmembers, we can better mix and assign crew, sail safely and effectively, and fulfil our duty to care for our passengers and each other.
Crew: Volunteers who are qualified at this level have demonstrated the basic skills necessary to be a contributing, effective crewmember on Pegasus. Crew volunteers may be designated as crew for our scheduled sails with youth aboard. Skills and knowledge as defined in the Crew Skills check list must be demonstrated and documented. Crew will then be checked out in each position.
Position checkout: The work on the boat is divided into 6 positions. We usually start by checking you out on Aft deck and then progress you to Port and Starboard winches and forward deck person.
Mate: Volunteers who are qualified at this level have demonstrated advanced practical sailing skills and knowledge, including ability to take the helm. They have demonstrated competency on use of all Pegasus safety equipment and procedures including MOB (Man Overboard). They have also demonstrated the ability to assume the captain’s responsibilities in the event that the Captain becomes incapacitated. Candidates must first qualify as Crew and all position check outs. Skills and knowledge as defined in the Mate Skills Checklist must be demonstrated and documented.
Captain: Captains have demonstrated the ability to safely and effectively lead and direct crew and passengers on Pegasus voyages. Candidates must first qualify as Mate. Skills and knowledge as defined in the Captain Certification Procedures must be demonstrated and documented.
How to complete Crew Level Skills Checklists
Crew Level Skills will be completed using your enclosed checklists, by each voyage Captain on days that you are aboard the boat. Let the Captain know at the crew briefing if you want to be signed off on certain items that day. The captain will sign you off after the voyage if you have successfully demonstrated the skills. For difficult skill requirements the Training Captain may work with you on an individual basis in addition to scheduled crew training sails. Don’t be shy – ask.
The procedure for getting skills signed off is to successfully perform the required skill without help in the presence of the Captain or Mate. If you have difficulty and need help, that’s all right, but you can’t be signed off that day. You must successfully perform the task, without help, on another day. Do not expect to complete an entire checklist in one outing. It will take time.
There are no time limits on the qualification process. Just keep working at it.
Training may take place during sails with youth, but passenger and boat safety take precedence over training while youth are aboard. Candidates training and certifying at all levels may sail with youth as part of their training and certification.
The Pegasus Voyages doesn’t have the capacity to teach sailing to a non-sailor. It is recommended that you take classes at least through the intermediate level at a sailing school such as Inspire Sailing, Modern Sailing Academy, Club Nautique or Tradewinds Sailing School (There are many organizations that teach sailing classes, including As of January 1, 2022, California law requires all boaters 45 years of age or younger to carry the California Boater Card. Beginning January 1, 2023, all boaters 50 years of age or younger will be required to carry the Boater Card. All boaters regardless of age will be required to obtain the card by 2025. These classes are available online or from the US Power Squadron.
Key resources
Pegasus Pre-departure Checklist with Training Comments
These are the tasks that must be completed before departing on a Pegasus youth voyage.
Checklist | Training Comments |
( ) Fuel valve handle inline with fuel lines | |
( ) Open water intake thru-hull valve | Handle up, inline with hose |
( ) Check oil level | Add oil if more than1 quart low |
( ) Check belt tension | Normal is about 1 inch deflection when firmly pressed |
( ) Check fuel filter | |
( ) Check water strainer | Should appear unobstructed |
( ) Check transmission plug | On top of transmission on port side; make sure not loose or missing |
( ) Check pan under engine | Look for oil, fuel, or excessive water |
( ) Close engine room doors | Turn out engine room light |
( ) Start engine and note water discharge | Make sure water is continuous, not just one spurt |
( ) Test forward and reverse gears | Warn crew since boat will surge against dock lines |
Boat systems
( ) Check battery charge | |
( ) Check navigation and steaming lights | Turn breaker off afterwards, unless lights are needed |
( ) Turn on and check main VHF radio | Use channel 9 |
( ) Mount and turn on radar | |
( ) Remove instrument covers | |
( ) Turn on instruments | |
( ) Put power cord on dock | Shore power breaker should be turned off first in case cord drops into water |
( ) Turn off LPG | At tank, galley, and breaker; LPG is liquefied petroleum gas (propane) |
( ) Pressurize water, if needed | Turn breaker on long enough for pump to pressurize tank |
Below decks, forward
( ) Stow companionway boards | Stowed under desk in captain’s cabin, next to wooden boarding ladder |
( ) Close all port holes | Dog down tightly since ports may be under water when heeled |
( ) Secure deck hatches | Make sure completely closed and latched |
( ) Ensure anchor locker accessible | Must be easy access to anchor chain and rope rode in case it’s needed in an emergency |
( ) Ensure boarding ladder accessible | Nothing should be in front or on top of ladder in case it is needed in an emergency |
( ) Check fire extinguishers (4) | Make sure they are available, secured, and reading green |
( ) Secure all doors and loose gear | Anticipate boat heeled over 20-30 degrees |
Below decks, aft
( ) Stow companionway boards | Under the galley stove, not stacked |
( ) Close side port holes | Leave one port open fore and another aft |
( ) Secure deck hatch | Make sure completely closed and latched |
( ) Open head thru-hull valve | Under ladder; handle up, inline with hose |
( ) Check high-water alarm | Under ladder; raise white float by hand and listen for alarm |
( ) Note level of water in bilge | |
( ) Check head holding tank level | Green light means OK; yellow means should be pumped; red means, tank is full, tell Captain |
( ) Close head bulkhead valve | Valve forward of head on bulkhead should be closed when not in use; handle straight down |
( ) Pump head empty; check toilet paper | Pump head dry and check that toilet paper is available and toilet paper disposal box is empty |
( ) Check fire extinguishers (2) | Make sure they are available, secured, and reading green |
( ) Check LPG switch off | Switch next to stove should be off, and valves on stove should be off |
( ) Secure all doors and loose gear | Anticipate boat heeled over 20-30 degrees |
Dock lines
( ) Remove spring line | stow line on dock, running back and forth such that it is not a tripping hazard |
( ) Remove starboard bow line | coil and hang on lifeline next to bow pulpit |
( ) Bring boat tight to dock | Stow midship fender on deck so that boat can be brought as close to dock as possible to minimize distance that passengers must step to get on board |
Sails, rigging, and deck gear
( ) Remove mainsail cover | Roll up from the clew to the tack and stow in captain’s cabin |
( ) Remove mizzen sail cover | Roll up from the clew to the tack and stow in captain’s cabin |
( ) Remove steering pedestal cover | Roll up and stow in captain’s cabin |
( ) Remove winch covers (4) | Stow in captain’s cabin |
( ) Remove gilguys, main and mizzen | Stow in lazarette (gilguys are short lines – e.g., sail ties – that hold the halyards off the mast to prevent them from slapping against the mast in the wind) |
( ) Remove bird deterrents (e.g., owl) | Stow in lazarette |
( ) Put out winch handles (4) | One on each mast and one next to each primary winch; blue one goes on mizzen mast |
( ) Check all running rigging is ready | Halyards attached and trapped, sheets correctly run, stopped, and ready for use, lazy jacks secured, furling line cleated and bagged, boomvang and reefing lines ready |
( ) Check anchors are secure | Anchors lashed but ready for quick deployment if necessary |
( ) Unlock and center wheel | Centered is about one and one half turns from either stop |
Safety gear
( ) Hang boat hooks | One on each side |
( ) Hang throwable flotation devices | Orange rings, one on each side |
( ) Hang strobes | One aft and one midship; confirm that they work by holding upright to activate |
( ) Check MOB pole | Ready to deploy if needed |
( ) Stow emergency bag in cockpit | Emergency equipment bag out, starboard of companionway |
( ) Hang emergency knife on pedestal | Port side, out of easy reach of kids |
( ) Hang binoculars on pedestal | |
( ) Hang whistle on pedestal | |
( ) Put handheld VHF radio on pedestal | Confirm that battery is charged |
( ) Check emergency gear in lazarette | Check that lazarette contains fire extinguisher, flare kit, manual bilge pump handle, extra dock line, axe, LIFESLING lifting gear |
( ) Check whisker pole | Secured to deck on starboard foredeck |
( ) Clip throw bag on Samson post | Clip both the bag and the line to the top of the post |
( ) Clip throw bag on aft pulpit | Clip the bag low on the aft pulpit such that it can’t slide; clip the line to the padeye for the mizzen sheet on the aft deck |
( ) Unlock aft hatch | Stow the lock in a propane locker |
( ) Check emergency tiller | Make sure that it is inside the aft locker, ready for use |
( ) Hang snatch block on pulpit | |
( ) Stow walking fender on deck | |
( ) Hang crew placards | Appropriate placard at each position |
( ) Prepare passenger PFDs | Distribute appropriate number and sizes, arranged small to large, on dock in front of Pegasus |
Pegasus Safety Briefing
The Pegasus Safety Briefing is given before every voyages with guests, regardless of age. The briefing is usually given by the Captain, when the passengers have their PFDs on and are ready to board. Passengers line up on dock, half on each side of the boarding steps.
Welcome to Pegasus.
My name is _______________________ . I am your Captain today. I will be giving you our safety briefing today.
We have 3 rules aboard Pegasus.
- The first rule is don’t be a squishy banana. That means don’t get between the boat and something else, ever. Pegasus will always win and you will end up squashed like a banana, like a fender between the hull and the dock [point to a fender].
- The second rule is you must always wear your lifejacket. Only the Captain can tell you to take it off and the Captain never does.
- The third rule is one hand for yourself, one hand for the boat.
[Crewmember will demonstrate.] When you move about the deck, bend your knees slightly to lower your center of gravity and to allow your knees to absorb deck motions. Always hold onto something solid. Good things to hold onto are; shrouds, pulpits, coaming, and handholds. The lifelines are OK, they are the fence that says do not go any further or you will fall into the water, so you use them to guide, not to swing from. Bad things to hold onto are ropes because they can move suddenly and pull your fingers into winches or blocks.
Do not stand up unless you have the crew permission, as the booms and sails can move suddenly from one side of the boat to the other side.
When the Captain says “Belay It”, that means to stop what you are doing, be silent, do not move, and pay attention.
If you fall over the side, we will sail away from you, perhaps as far as [point to about 5 boat lengths away, e.g. trees on west side of marina] in order to turn around and come back to you. Curl up in the HELP position, We will then throw you a Lifesling [crewmember demonstrates Lifesling that is stored in cockpit lazarette]. Your job is to not panic, wait for us to come back, grab the Lifesling when we toss it to you alongside, and put it over your head and snug it under your arms. If you can, clasp your hands together under the Lifesling [crewmember demonstrates]. Remember, we will come back. But if someone else comes along first and offers to take you out of the water, we won’t be offended if you accept their offer.
I will now introduce the crew. [Call each position. Crew should say their name and, in a sentence, what they do for a living when they aren’t sailing.]
Welcome aboard.
First half of passengers go to starboard, second half go to port.
Prepare to depart.
Crew – Skills Checklist
Crew Candidate: |
Prerequisite: Basic sailing experience.
A. Terminology
Captain: | Date: |
- Identify the following parts of Pegasus:
( )hull | ( )mast | ( )keel | ( )boom | ( )bow | ( )bow pulpit |
( )gooseneck | ( )deck | ( )lifeline | ( )stern pulpit | ( )cabin top | ( )spreader |
( )shroud | ( )headstay | ( )backstay | ( )bowsprit | ( )jib furler | ( )Samson post |
( )whisker pole | ( )lazarette | ( )backstay adjust |
- Describe the functions of the following items on Pegasus:
( )mainsheet | ( )rudder | ( )winch | ( )boomvang | ( )halyard | ( )topping lift |
( )jib sheet | ( )fairlead | ( )outhaul | ( )shackle | ( )telltale | ( )cleat |
( )clutch | ( )fender | ( )spring line | ( )lazy jack | ( )furling line |
- Define the following terms:
( )port | ( )starboard | ( )captain | ( )helmsman | ( )crew | ( )forward |
( )aft | ( )abeam | ( )astern | ( )ahead | ( )jibe ho | ( )tacking |
( )jibing | ( )windward | ( )leeward | ( )beam | ( )heading up | ( )bearing away |
( )heel | ( )helm’s a lee | ( )running rigging | ( )standing rigging | ( )easing sheets | ( )sheeting in |
( )luffing | ( )trimming to course | ( )lazy sheet |
- Identify the following sails and parts of sails:
( )mainsail | ( )jib | ( )staysail | ( )mizzen | ( )head | ( )tack |
( )clew | ( )luff | ( )leach | ( )foot | ( )batten | ( )reefing line |
- Explain the following points of sail:
( )irons | ( )close hauled | ( )close reach | ( )beam reach | ( )deep broad reach | ( )dead run |
( )by the lee |
B. Safety Equipment and Use
Captain: | Date: |
- Locate fire extinguishers on this boat and describe how to use them.
- Locate the following safety equipment on Pegasus and describe when and how to use each:
( )throw rings | ( )throw bags | ( )strobes | ( )first aid kit | ( )Lifesling | ( )MOB poles |
( )emergency knife | ( )horn | ( )boarding ladder | ( )EPIRB | ( )flares | ( )boat hooks |
( )Lifting Kit | ( )snatch blocks | ( )AED |
- Select, explain, and demonstrate the proper use of a PFD (personal floatation device), harness, and tether.
C. Line and Winch Handling
Captain: | Date: |
- Demonstrate cleat hitch on the dock.
- Demonstrate coiling and hanging of halyards and other lines.
- Demonstrate the following winch techniques:
( )wrapping | ( )grinding | ( )choking a loaded line | ( )easing | ( )sheet removal | ( )sheet lock on self-tailing winch |
( )safe handling of winch handle |
D. Knots
Captain: | Date: |
Tie these knots
( )bowline | ( )reef/square knot | ( )stopper | ( )coil a line |
E. Safety Briefing
Captain: | Date: |
Describe the main points of the Pegasus safety briefing.
Congratulations for qualifying at Crew 1 aboard Pegasus.
Individual Station Skills Checklist
Prerequisite: Certification as Crew 1.
A. Competency at Deck Positions
Demonstrate ability, knowledge, and experience to independently handle the Pegasus sails, lines, and equipment as well as to assist youth and adult passengers in the sailing conditions common to San Francisco Bay at the following deck positions (this will generally require multiple voyages at each position to fully master):
1. Aft Deck
Captain: | Date: |
2. Starboard Winch
Captain: | Date: |
3. Port Winch
Captain: | Date: |
4. Fore Deck
Captain: | Date: |
B. MOB Training
Captain: | Date: |
Participated in at least one MOB training session.
Congratulations for qualifying at each position aboard Pegasus.
Mate – Skills Checklist
Mate Candidate:
Captain: | Date: |
Prerequisite: Certification as Crew II and Basic Cruising/Basic Coastal Cruising certificate, or equivalent sailing experience (approved by Training Captain).
A. Rules of the Road
Captain: | Date: |
- Demonstrate and explain “Right of Way” in the following situations:
( )vessel under power | ( )vessel under sail | ( )starboard tack | ( )port tack |
( )downwind vessel | ( )overtaking vessel | ( )give-way vessel | ( )stand-on vessel |
- Explain “Danger Zone”.
- Describe how to determine whether a crossing vessel is on a collision course or will safely pass ahead or astern.
- Identify location, color, and proper use of lights while:
( )sailing | ( )motoring | ( )power sailing | ( )at anchor |
- On a chart and on the water, point out the location of:
( )shipping lanes | ( )channel markers | ( )range markers |
- Explain the correct horn signals in the following situations:
( )fog | ( )meeting | ( )overtaking | ( )danger |
B. Radio Operation
Captain: | Date: |
- Explain VHF channel usage in the following situations:
( )hailing and conversing with the U.S. Coast Guard | ()hailing and conversing with another boat |
( )contacting a commercial vessel, bridge-to-bridge | ()checking that your radio works (radio check not on channel 16) |
( )checking the weather | ( )monitoring VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) |
- Explain procedure for conversing with the U.S. Coast Guard in an emergency situation.
- Explain meaning and use of Mayday, Pan-Pan, and Sécurité radio codes.
- Explain use and activation of the EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon).
C. Boat Handling Under Sail
Captain: | Date: |
- Set and sail a compass course.
- Sail a windward/leeward course while performing successful tacks and controlled jibes.
- Sail each of the major points of sail in turn.
- Sail wing on wing and rig a preventer.
- Explain and demonstrate heading up, bearing away, and methods of luffing.
D. Setting & Dousing Sails
Captain: | Date: |
- Direct crew in
( )setting all sails | ( )reefing all sails while under sail | ( )dousing all sails |
- Explain how to use the furler.
E. Sailing Conditions
Captain: | Date: |
- Read wind direction and estimate strength. Look for and identify wind patches.
- Determine tide and current from tide book.
- Make course recommendation according to tide, current, and wind conditions and explain why.
F. Anchoring
Captain: | Date: |
Demonstrate and explain proper Pegasus anchoring technique for:
( )overnight | ( )an emergency |
G. Knots
Captain: | Date: |
Tie the following knots and explain their proper application:
( )bowline | ( )figure eight | ( )cleat hitch | ( )clove hitch |
( )reef/square knot | ( )round turn and two half hitches | ( )rolling hitch | ( )coil hitch |
H. Person Overboard
Captain: | Date: |
- Demonstrate ability to maneuver boat back to MOB and to stabilize the boat for MOB recovery – both under sail and under power.
- Describe how to assess the MOB’s ability to help themselves.
- Describe when external assistance should be summoned.
- Demonstrate deployment of the boarding ladder and when to use it.
- Assemble and use MOB lifting gear and direct crew in its use.
- Demonstrate use of the Lifesling.
- Explain, describe, and demonstrate the actions to be taken by helm and Captain from the time a person falls overboard until the person is safely recovered.
I. Navigation and Chart Reading
Captain: | Date: |
- Take a fix using visual bearings; locate your position on the chart; determine your latitude and longitude from the chart.
- Locate a given position’s latitude and longitude on the chart.
- Plot a course between two points on a chart and give true and magnetic compass courses and distance.
- Demonstrate use of GPS device to:
( )determine your latitude and longitude | ( )determine bearing and distance to a waypoint |
( )determine VMG (Velocity Made Good) | ( )determine DMG (Distance Made Good) |
- Demonstrate use of the radar to determine bearing and distance to a target.
- Describe the use of range markers or natural ranges to determine LOP (Line of Position) or to maintain a course.
Mate Certification Procedures
- Notify the Training Captain of your desire to serve on Pegasus as a Mate and get approval.
- Serve as crew on at least six sails with youth in the previous twelve months.
- Complete the skills checklist for Mate.
- Complete Mate’s Review – an on-the-water boat handling review that will include at least one Mate and the Training Captain aboard.
- After successful completion of the Mate’s Review, complete at least two sails as “Mate-in-training” on sails with youth (Training Captain aboard).
- Complete at least one sail as “Captain-in-training” with youth (Training Captain aboard) to demonstrate ability to take command if necessary.
- When the Training Captain decides that you are ready, they will certify you as qualified at the level of Mate. Mates are listed as approved operators of Pegasus on the insurance policy.
The Mate’s Review
The candidate will be required to demonstrate satisfactory knowledge and skills of all of the following:
- Boat set up
- Crew assignments
- Safety briefing
- Departure at helm, including “springing off”
- Motoring procedures
- Underway procedures at helm
- Person overboard recovery
- Arrival and docking procedure at helm
- At least one emergency situation (to be selected by Training Captain)
- a) taking on water b) fire, or c) hypothermia
All Mates are subject to re-certification every two years.
Certified Mate:
Date Certified: Training Captain:
Captain Certification Procedures
Notify the Training Captain of your desire to serve on Pegasus as a Captain and get approval.
- Be certified as Mate.
- Serve as Mate on at least twelve sails with youth in the previous twelve months. At least six of these must be at helm position and at least three must be as Captain-in-training.
- Current First Aid and CPR certification.
- Evaluation by Training Captain, which will include:
- Evaluation in actual sailing conditions as Captain-in-training with youth aboard.
- Evaluation of candidate’s knowledge of Pegasus equipment, capabilities, and procedures.
- Evaluation of candidate’s ‘situational awareness’, meaning the ability to consistently make prudent and appropriate operational decisions that consider a comprehensive set of conditions and factors, including weather, sea state, traffic, crew capabilities, boat capabilities, passenger age/disabilities and condition, and other factors.
5. When both the Training Captain and the Program Director decide that you are ready, they will certify you as qualified at the level of Captain. Captains are listed as approved operators of Pegasus on the insurance policy.
All Captains are subject to re-certification every two years.
Certified Captain:
Date Certified: Training Captain:
Re-certification Procedures
Must have completed at least one Pegasus sail in the last twelve months with youth aboard and have completed at least one MOB training in the last twelve months with the Training Captain.
Must have completed at least four Pegasus sails in the previous twelve months with youth on board, with at least two sails at helm position and one as Captain-in-training. Also, must have completed at least one MOB training in the last twelve months with the Training Captain. Must have a Masters License or current California Boaters Card.
Must have completed at least six Pegasus sails in the previous twelve months with youth aboard, with at least two sails at helm position and two as Captain. Also, must have completed at least one MOB training in the last twelve months with the Training Captain. All Captains must have up to date First Aid and CPR training and a Masters License or current California Boaters Card.
The Training Captain will observe and review each candidate’s performance on the water, with passengers, and in emergency procedures and will determine if there are any areas that need to be reviewed or improved before signing off on re-certification.
Training Captain
The Training Captain will be reviewed by an independent maritime professional.
Crew Positions
During sails the Captain in command has ultimate authority and responsibility. The Crew Training Manual and Procedures exist to establish “best practices” and identify options for a variety of conditions. However, ultimate responsibility for directing the operation of the vessel rests with the Captain at all times. The Captain will use his/her best judgment under actual conditions when making decisions.
Prior to the sail the Captain assigns positions and briefs the crew on safety issues. The Captain also gives the safety briefing to the passengers and while underway maintains traffic watch and oversees the operation of the vessel and passenger activities.
For a particular voyage, a crewmember who has not been certified as a Captain may be designated as a Captain-in-training and perform the Captain duties. However, a certified Captain must still be aboard and still has ultimate authority and responsibility.
The helmsperson steers the boat and directs the crew during departure and docking and sail handling. Helm consults with the Captain to determine what sails to deploy and what course to sail. During a MOB emergency, helm returns the boat back to the MOB for retrieval using the “figure of Eight” method. When a passenger or crewmember is permitted to steer the boat, helm instructs and monitors them and is still responsible for the safe handling of the boat and must be prepared to retake the helm at any time.
Generally, helm is assigned to a crewmember who has been certified as a Mate. However, for a particular voyage a crewmember who has not been certified as a Mate may be designated as a Mate-in-training and perform the duties of helm. However, for youth voyages a certified Mate must still be aboard and must be prepared to take over the helm if necessary. During a voyage, the Mate acts as a second pair of eyes for the Captain, monitoring the overall operation and advising the Captain of any potential problems.
During departure and docking the crew assigned to foredeck handles the bow line. While underway, foredeck maintains forward watch, handles the main halyard, coordinates other crew in raising and dropping the mainsail, and makes adjustments as necessary to the lazy jacks, boomvang, luff tension, and out haul.
The foredeck also handles the anchor and rode, with assistance, while anchoring and weighing anchor. Finally, the foredeck is responsible for the safe handling of passengers forward, including on the bowsprit. This position requires experienced crew because of the sail handling required, the passenger handling in a vulnerable part of the vessel, and the distance away from the assistance of the rest of the crew.
Port Winch
During departure, the crew assigned to port winch delivers the port bow line to the crew on foredeck, delivers the port stern line to the crew on aft deck, stows the boarding steps at the end of the finger, and is the last person to board. May need to handle a spring line for departure with Northerly winds. After departure, the crewmembers on the port and starboard winches close the gate and stow the fenders. During docking, the port winch handles the stern line and returns the boarding steps to the gate. While underway, the port winch handles the port jib/staysail sheet and main sheet, handles the jib furling line while deploying and furling, and assists in raising and dropping the mainsail by helping with sail ties. The crewmembers on port and starboard winch together are responsible for handling passengers transiting the cockpit area.
Starboard Winch
During departure and docking, the crew assigned to starboard winch tends the walking fender as necessary. While underway, the starboard winch handles the starboard jib sheet and mizzen sheet, assists in raising the mainsail by tending the reefing lines, and assists in deploying and furling the jib by tending the working jib/staysail sheet. The crewmembers on port and starboard which together are responsible for handling passengers transiting the cockpit area.
Aft Deck
During departure, the crew assigned to aft deck handles the port stern line. During docking the aft deck passes the port stern line to the crewmember on port winch and stands by on the aft deck in case assistance is needed. While underway, the aft deck maintains aft watch and handles raising and dropping of the mizzen sail. Whenever the engine is started, the crew on aft deck checks whether water is being discharged from the exhaust and reports to the helm. The aft deck is responsible for monitoring and controlling the passengers on the aft cabin top and for safely moving passengers from the starboard side to the port side as passengers are escorted forward. For MOB will assist with deploying the Lifesling.
Crew Placards
To reinforce crew training and help ensure safety, printed placards are hung at each crew position. The front side of the placard lists the preparations that should be confirmed or checked by the crewmember at that position prior to departure. The flip side of each placard is an overview of the responsibilities for the crewmember at that position. The responsibilities should be reviewed prior to departure.
The placards are mounted at the following locations on Pegasus, to be readily available to each crewmember prior to departure:
- Captain – Port side of gallows
- Helm – Steering pedestal
- Foredeck – Port side of bow pulpit near port bow line
- Port Winch – Upper lifeline, forward of the port gate
- Starboard Winch – Upper lifeline, forward of the starboard gate
- Aft Deck – Port side of aft pulpit
Captain Overview
Postion 1 – CaptainCaptain Overview Emergency | Captain Pre-departure Checklist
Prior to Starting Engine
Helm Overview
Postion 2 – HelmPrepare crew for departure Docking Emergency | Helm Pre-departure Checklist
Foredeck Overview
Position 3 – ForedeckForedeck overview Underway Docking Emergency | Foredeck Pre-departure Checklist
Port Winch Overview
Position 4 – Port WinchDeparture Underway Docking Emergency | Port Winch Pre-departure Checklist
Starboard Winch Overview
Position 5 – Starboard WinchDeparture Underway Docking Emergency | Starboard Winch Pre-Departure Checklist
Aft Deck Overview
Position 6 – Aft DeckDeparture Emergency | Aft Deck Pre-Departure Checklist
Pegasus Procedures
Man Overboard (MOB)
When a person falls overboard from a vessel that is underway there are five steps involved in recovering them:
- React – Make everyone aboard aware of the emergency.
- Return – Maneuver the boat back to the MOB.
- Re-attach – Bring the MOB back to the boat and re-attach them.
- Retrieve – Get the MOB back on board. First try boarding ladder, then Lifesling Recovery
- Revive – Provide whatever medical attention may be required. Not all steps will always be required. Crew will focus on completing each step, in order, without getting ahead of themselves.
During MOB procedures the crew should:
- Stay in their assigned positions unless assigned specific tasks by the Captain. There is a natural tendency to want to crowd around and help with, or at least observe, recovery efforts.
- Remain calm and alert at all times during the MOB situation. When the crew is calm and methodical the passengers will be more calm and reassured. If time permits, explain to the passengers what is happening. Ensure that the passengers stay quiet so that the crew can communicate with each other and the MOB.
- Make sure all passengers are safe and attended to at all times.
- Echo back all commands. This is especially important during emergency procedures.
- Talk to the MOB to assure them and calm them and let them know that they are seen and that we will recover them.
- Stay alert to what is happening away from the boat, including traffic, weather, and sea conditions.
- Control flogging lines and sails to minimize the chance of injury.
- Make sure that all actions taken are safe and are not going to add to the emergency or create another victim.
The Captain in command has ultimate authority and responsibility. The emergency procedures exist to establish “best practices” and identify options for a variety of conditions. However, ultimate responsibility for directing the operation of the vessel rests with the Captain at all times. The Captain will use his/her best judgment under actual conditions when making decisions.
When a person has gone overboard
- If a crewmember sees an untethered person fall overboard they will immediately and loudly yell “Man Overboard” so as to alert the Captain and other crew members.
- The initial spotter will continue to watch the MOB while pointing at their location. It is crucial to point to avoid losing track of exactly where the MOB is in chop and waves and to help others on the boat know where the MOB is. This will be the initial spotter’s only responsibility unless someone else is assigned and the initial spotter is relieved of this responsibility by the Captain.
- Helm will immediately blow the emergency whistle to alert the entire crew. All crew, other than the spotter, will return to their assigned positions as soon as possible.
- Aft deck crew will immediately throw an orange life ring as close to the MOB as possible to give them additional floatation and to aid in spotting them. In fog, low visibility, or at night aft deck will also deploy a strobe light.
- Helm will activate the GPS MOB button as soon as possible to record the MOB’s exact position at that time.
- Helm will start the engine in case it is needed to return to the MOB.
- Crew will make sure that all passengers are seated, secure, and safe.
- The Captain will direct crew on what to do with passengers depending on the situation, their location on the boat, deployed sails, and conditions. There may be passengers on the bow sprit, in the cockpit, below, or traversing the deck. The priority is to get all passengers under control and in a safe place.
- Consulting with Captain, Helm will decide on an appropriate procedure for return, usually the “FIGURE EIGHT” maneuver. As usual, helm will direct the crew on sail handling during the return. The return options may include, but are not limited to, one of the following methods:
- Heave to – Helm will slowly tack while letting the jib back-wind and directing the main and mizzen sails to be eased. Being hove to is an ideal time to move passengers to safe locations. If the boat stops or drifts down close enough to the MOB then a throw line or Lifesling can be thrown to the MOB if they are conscious and able to grab the line. If the boat is not close enough the sails will be dropped and the boat will motor back to the MOB. When quickly dropping the mainsail it is not necessary to deploy the lazy jacks.
- Figure Eight – Helm will steer a beam reach for approximately 2 to 3 boat lengths, head up and tack (back-winding the jib), fall off to a deep broad reach, and finally head up to approach the MOB on a close reach while easing sails to slow down. Helm will bring the boat to a stop, all sails completely eased, with the MOB on the leeward side.
- Motoring – Helm will head into the wind and drop all sails before motoring back to the MOB.
- Lifesling Recovery, Motoring – Helm will head into the wind and drop all sails. Then, while motoring forward the Lifesling will be deployed from the stern while helm steers an elliptical course around the MOB until the Lifesling line comes within their reach, at which point helm will stop the boat. MOB will put the Lifesling over their head and under their arms, which permits them to be pulled alongside the boat. MOB will need to face away from the boat while being hauled to the boat to prevent being pulled face down into the water.
- Lifesling Recovery, Under Sail (Buttonhook) – Helm will sail a close reach while the Lifesling is deployed from the stern. Helm will then tack and fall off on a deep broad reach, being careful to avoid sailing over the Lifesling line. As the boat approaches the MOB on the windward side, helm will head up on a close reach so that the Lifesling line will pass within reach of the MOB, at which point all sails will be completely eased to stop the boat.
3. If the boat does not stop at the MOB, the Captain may have the aft deck crew deploy a MOB pole as close to the MOB as possible and will direct helm to make another attempt.
- Once the boat has returned to the MOB, the Captain will direct efforts to re-attach, retrieve, and revive the MOB while helm keeps the boat under control, maintains lookout, and directs the crew in handling the boat and passengers.
- As soon as the MOB is near the beam of the boat, helm will make sure that the engine is turned off – not just idling.
- The Captain or designee will assess the condition of the MOB.
- The Captain will direct the crew in re-attaching the MOB to the boat by one of several methods before they drift out of reach:
- Throw or lower a line (heaving bag) and have the MOB attach it to their harness or PFD while crew attaches the other end to a cleat on the boat.
- Throw the Lifesling to the MOB and have them put it over their head and under their arms and then secure the line to the boat. Make sure they lock their hands under the Lifesling to prevent it from coming off as they are lifted.
- Tie a large bowline into one end of a dock line and have the MOB put this under their arms and secure the other end to the boat.
- If the MOB is unconscious or unable to help, then deploy the boarding ladder and attach a safety tether to a crewmember who will go down the ladder to attach a line to the MOB in the water.
- The Captain may direct the crew to deploy the boarding ladder to the appropriate side of the boat. The MOB may be able to climb the ladder, perhaps with assistance.
- The Captain may direct the crew to employ the Lifesling Lifting Gear to hoist the MOB onto the deck. That procedure is as follows:
- Locate the lifting gear in the Port lazarette and attach the upper block, marked with red, to the appropriate MOB halyard (usually the topping lift). Raise the top block about 10 feet off the deck (about the level of the “Y” on the main backstay) and cleat the halyard.
- Attach the lower block to the MOB, clipping the snap hook into the lifting loop that goes through the rings on the Lifesling.
- Attach a snatch block to the padeye on deck near the aft companionway hatch and lead the block and tackle line through it, making sure that the snatch block is securely locked. Lead the line to either the mizzen (starboard side) or mainsheet (port side) winch. Make sure all lines are lead correctly.
- While one crewmember steadies the MOB, winch them up and over the lifelines and lower them to the cabin top or deck. Take care to keep the MOB from bouncing off the hull or getting anything caught in the lifelines or rigging. Detach the hoisting line and then remove the Lifesling.
3. The Captain may direct the crew to employ a sheet or dock line as an “elevator” line that the MOB can stand on as it is raised.
- The Captain or a crewmember with medical training will assess the condition of the MOB. They will consider why and how the MOB went overboard. If the MOB was hit by a boom or struck the hull while going overboard then they will especially check for neck or head injuries, as well as broken bones, cuts, etc.
- If the MOB is in need of immediate medical help then the Captain will call the U.S.C.G. for medical assistance.
- If the MOB is conscious then they will be taken below, gotten out of their wet clothing, dried off, and placed into the MOB sleeping bag on the starboard bunk.
- If the MOB is showing signs of hypothermia, see PEGASUS HYPOTHERMIA PROCEDURE.
- If the MOB is unconscious:
- Extreme care must be taken. The MOB may have a severe head or neck injury that could become worse if they are moved incorrectly. An unconscious MOB should not be retrieved from the water unless they are not breathing.
- The U.S.C.G. will be contacted on channel 16 with a Mayday. They can then advise the Captain and send a boat that is equipped with a board or cage to retrieve the MOB safely.
- Make sure that the MOB is securely attached to the boat and that anyone who goes into the water to help them is also safely attached to the boat.
- If an unconscious MOB is retrieved and brought aboard then they must not be taken below, since it would be very difficult to do it safely. Instead, they should be laid on the long cockpit seat behind the wheel for treatment.
Tips for Man Overboard Victims
If you fall overboard, remember these tips:
- Know ahead of time how to use all of the equipment in and on your PFD such as light, strobe, whistle, mirror, flares, inflation tube, etc. Shout and attract attention as you fall overboard.
- Don’t swim after the boat. Instead, swim to any floatation that is thrown over, provided that it is not too far away.
- Try to make yourself visible. Put hood up on foul weather gear, splash water around you, and/or wave one or both arms.
- Keep clothing on, trapping air inside if possible. Get rid of heavy non- buoyant items such as boots that fill with water. Tighten your PFD and crotch strap, if they are loose.
- Don’t shout needlessly. A whistle is more likely to be heard aboard the rescue vessel.
- If you have to wait to be rescued assume the Heat Escape Lessening Posture (HELP) as much as possible. Keep a hat on, your head out of the water, arms against your sides and across your chest and PFD, and your lower legs crossed, knees together and raised as the seas permit.
- At night, activate your personal strobe, if you have one, and leave it on until the rescue boat makes its approach to pick you up. At that point turn the strobe off and an incandescent light on, if you have one, so that the flashes do not disorient the helmsman.
- Wait for the boat to circle you and look for the Lifesling and its yellow retrieval/trailing line.
- Let the Lifesling retrieval/trailing line slide through your hands until you reach the knots and bowline loop.
- Put the Lifesling over your head and under you armpits.
- If you can, clasp your hands together under the floatation ring to ensure that it does not come off over your head.When the boat starts to pull you through the water before it stops, TURN AROUND so that you will be towed backwards, keeping the wake out of your face. This can be the most dangerous part of the whole procedure and must be avoided.
- Help the remaining crew get you aboard if you can but don’t take the Lifesling off until you are on deck.
- If the boat misses you, or can’t immediately find you, try to get to a MOB pole, strobe, or other floating object if you see one.
Hypothermia Procedures
Hypothermia is when a body’s core temperature drops because it is losing more heat than it can produce.
Inadequate clothing, wet clothing, falling overboard.
The best way to handle hypothermia is to prevent it:
- Crew should anticipate weather conditions outside of the breakwater and dress passengers appropriately. If passengers are not too warm on the dock they will probably be too cold on the bay.
- PFD’s are to be worn outside of foul weather gear.
- 30% of heat loss is through a person’s head, so hoods and wool caps are encouraged.
- Passengers and crew are encouraged to wear foul weather gear to stay dry, especially on windy days. Heat loss increases by 15% when clothing is wet.
- Adequate nutrition and hydration are important to preventing hypothermia.
Mild Hypothermia
- Shivering
- Skin that is cold to touch
- Vague, slow speech
- Drowsiness
- Add additional clothing
- Get below, out of wind
- Remove wet clothing
- Dry off
Warm drinks are NOT a substitute for decreasing heat loss.
Severe Hypothermia
Usually induced by falling overboard
- Uncontrolled shivering
- Lack of shivering!!
- Poor judgment
- Staggering, may appear drunk
- Unconsciousness
- Treat the victim gently. A person suffering severe hypothermia can easily be injured.
- If conscious, take victim below, out of wind.
- Remove all wet clothing; if patient is female have female crewmember or passenger assist.
- Place in sleeping bag on starboard bunk with head covered.
- Call USCG for advice and assistance.
- If unconscious, place in sleeping bag behind helm.
- Perform CPR, if required, by trained crew member.
- Proceed to nearest marina or Coast Guard rendezvous and have ambulance standing by.
Remember the goal is to prevent further heat loss. Trying to re- warm a severely hypothermic patient may cause them to go into rewarming shock.
Taking on Water Procedure
If the boat is taking on water:
- Whoever discovers that water has entered the boat will immediately inform the Captain.
- Helm will blow the emergency whistle to alert the entire crew. All crew will return to their assigned positions as soon as possible.
- Crew will make sure that all passengers are seated, secure, and safe.
- The Captain will assess the situation.
- The Captain may contact the U.S.C.G. on channel 16 with a Pan-Pan or Mayday message, depending on the severity of the situation, boat’s position, etc.
- The Captain may direct a crewmember to start the electric bilge pump and to verify/monitor its operation.
- The Captain may direct one or more crewmembers to man the manual bilge pump, handheld pump, and/or buckets to remove water from below.
- The Captain may assign one or more crewmembers to identify the source of the water. They will inspect at least the following:
- Thru hull fittings, clamps, and attached hoses
- Speed transducer
- Depth transducer
- Prop shaft stuffing box
- Rudder post stuffing box
- Engine exhaust hoses
- Engine cooling system
- Head
- In heavy seas or sharp heeling; port holes, dorade vents, and deck hatches
- Fresh water tanks
- Hull below the waterline
9. If crew is unable to determine where water is coming from, the Captain may direct helm to tack or sail a different point of sail, to see if that eliminates or mitigates water intake.
10. Captain may direct one or more crewmembers to stem the flow of water by:
- If leaking thru hull;
- close valve
- insert tapered wooden bung/plug
- stuff with rag, etc.
- tighten or replace clamps
b. If engine exhaust or cooling leak; stop engine and close thru hull
c. If damaged hull;
- stuff hole from inside with pillow, cushion, etc. and brace with boat hook, whisker pole, etc.
- cover hole from outside with sail, tarp, or sail cover; screw or nail plywood or hatch cover over hole
11. If the crew is unable to stem the flow of water, then the Captain maytighten or replace clamps call the U.S.C.G. on channel 16 with a Mayday message. If the boat is in danger of sinking, the Captain may order that she be run aground to prevent total loss of boat. In the Berkeley Flats the upper cabin trunk, masts, and booms should be above water after keel hits bottom.
12. The crew and passengers will stay with the boat unless it is obviously going down and the Captain has issued the command to abandon ship. See Abandon Ship Procedures.
Pegasus High Bilge Water Alarm:
The white bilge water alarm float switch is located on the cross timber under and forward of the aft companionway ladder. It is tested and observed by removing the sole (floor) at this location. When the float is lifted, a loud alarm sounds. This may be the first indicator of a problem.
Fire Procedure
If fire is detected:
- Whoever discovers a fire on the boat will immediately inform the Captain.
- Helm will blow the emergency whistle to alert the entire crew. All crew will return to their assigned positions as soon as possible.
- Crew will make sure that all passengers are seated and secure in a safe location. This may require moving the passengers.
- The Captain will assess the situation to determine the location, source, and extent of the fire.
- The Captain may contact the U.S.C.G. on channel 16 with a Pan-Pan or Mayday message, depending on the severity of the situation, boat’s position, etc.
- The Captain will assign crew to deal with the emergency.
- If the fire is out of control the Captain may give the order to abandon ship. See the Abandon Ship Procedures.
If the fire is an LPG (propane) fire:
- Turn off LPG switch in the galley and/or the LPG breaker switch.
- Turn off valve on LPG tank (aft storage locker).
- Turn off stove valves, if possible.
- Extinguish flames with extinguisher; red ABC or white halon.
- Never use water on a grease or galley fire.
- Monitor fire area for re-ignition.
If the fire is an engine fire:
- Stop the engine. Helm will use the red engine shutoff button in the cockpit.
- Confirm that the bilge blower is off at the breaker panel.
- Check for automatic engine halon discharge visually at aft engine room door space at top. If necessary, discharge red ABC extinguisher into engine room from access port behind forward companionway.
- Do not open engine room doors for at least 15 minutes and not until doors are no longer hot to the touch.
- Monitor area for re-ignition.
Fighting fires on board a vessel:
Detection and a proper, rapid response are key elements to successful firefighting.
Fire needs fuel, heat or ignition source, oxygen (air), and the ability to maintain a continuous chemical reaction. Remove fuel, heat, or oxygen and the fire goes out.
The basic steps in successful fire fighting are:
- Locate fire and give alarm
- Confine and contain – get fire under control
- Extinguish fire
After sounding the alarm, the crew must quickly determine the following:
- Where is the fire?
- What is burning?
- What is the extent of the fire?
- What combustibles are in the immediate vicinity of the fire area?
- What vents and other channels are present that would facilitate the spread of fire?
- What method of extinguishment is indicated?
- What is the best technique to prevent the spread of the fire and to extinguish fire?
Fire prevention on Pegasus:
- Two LPG sniffers
- Bilge blower
- Engine room doors closed while engine running
- Cabins, galley and bilge kept clean
Types of Fire Extinguishers on Pegasus:
- Letters indicate classes of fires for which an extinguisher may be used (A, B, or C, see below). Numbers indicate the relative size of fire of each class that the extinguisher can be used for.
- The halon extinguisher in the white canister is ideal for class C (electrical equipment) fires because halon is nonconductive and it does not leave a residue that can damage electrical equipment. However, it can be toxic and exposure should be limited. Halon gas is heavier than air. It can also be used on class B (fuel) fires. There is one halon extinguisher in the forward cabin next to the mast step, and the automatically-triggered extinguisher in the engine compartment is halon.
- The dry chemical ABC extinguishers in the red canisters can be used on class A, B, and C fires. These extinguishers are distributed throughout Pegasus in the aft and forward cabins as well as the lazarette.
- Fire extinguishers must be properly stowed, regularly checked, and annually serviced.
Use of fire extinguisher:
- Make sure to never get trapped by the fire. Always have an escape route planned. Never pass a fire to get to an extinguisher, since you may become trapped.
- Remember PASS
- Pull (pin),
- Aim (at base of fire from about 6 feet away),
- Squeeze (trigger),
- Sweep (back and forth)
Note: a fire extinguisher will last roughly 10 – 15 seconds.
- If you enter an area or compartment and you fail to completely extinguish the fire, get out immediately and close the door or hatch behind you to confine the fire.
Types of fires and possible responses:
Class A | Class B | Class C |
Ordinary Combustibles | Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Gases | Electrical Equipment |
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Best extinguished with water. Can use pots of fresh water or buckets (in anchor well) of sea water. ABC (red) extinguishers can be used if needed. | Gasoline, diesel fuel, paint, oil, or galley grease. Use halon (white) or ABC (red) extinguishers. Do not use water as it may spread the liquid and fire. | Depower 12 volt system. Turn battery switches (located on aft bulkhead in Captain’s cabin) to off position and turn AC off at panel and/or at shore breaker. Use halon (white) extinguisher if possible on electrical equipment, but an ABC (red) extinguisher may also be used. Do not use water as it may cause electrical shorts or shocks. |
Abandon Ship Procedure
The Captain will determine if it is necessary to abandon ship and will give the order to do so if necessary and will assign crew to specific tasks.
Handling passengers:
- Crew will keep passengers calm and orderly.
- Crew will be firm and clear while giving directions.
• While in the water, crew will make sure passengers get in a warmth- keeping posture and do not panic.
Emergency Steering Procedure
With all way off (no headway or sternway) open the access port to the rudderpost.
- Insert Tiller handle on rudder post. (Located in the aft lazarette)
- Report to the Helm “Emergency steerage rigged and ready.”
Pegasus Pre-departure Checklist
| Boat Systems
Below Decks, Forward
| Below Decks Aft
Dock Lines
| Sail, Rigging, and Deck Gear
Safety Gear
Updated January 2023